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Objectives: (1) To quantify hospital-level variation in use of neuroimaging to screen for intracranial injury (ICI) among infants without overt signs or symptoms of head trauma undergoing subspecialty evaluations for physical abuse; (2) to assess for disproportionality in…
Objectives: The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provide essential nutrition support for low-income families. However, many eligible families do not receive or fully redeem these…
Amid a persistent maternal mortality crisis in the United States, substance use is one of the most pronounced issues facing those who have recently given birth and other caregivers in Pennsylvania.Interviews PolicyLab conducted with key stakeholders and caregivers in recovery across…
Background: Addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) among expectant families and caregivers with young children requires that multi-professional systems work collaboratively towards a common goal. IPV services and maternal and infant home visiting programs are two important…
The federally funded Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are key sources of nutrition support for low-income families. WIC and SNAP participation have been associated with improved health…
Background: Federal legislation mandates healthcare providers to notify child protective service (CPS) agencies and offer a voluntary care plan called a "plan of safe care" (POSC) for all infants born affected by prenatal substance use. While POSCs aim to provide supportive…
CAPNET is a multicenter child abuse pediatrics research network developed to support research that will make the medical care of potentially abused children more effective, safe, and fair. CAPNET currently collects detailed clinical data from child physical abuse evaluations from 11…
About one in four women in the US report having experienced some form of intimate partner violence (IPV) during their lifetime and an estimated 15.5 million children live in families in which IPV occurred in the past year. Families of young children with IPV experiences often face…
PolicyLab responded to a request for information from the Bicameral Paid Leave Congressional Working group on expanding access to paid leave.In their response, PolicyLab experts addressed the working group’s question regarding research on the impact of paid leave on several health…
Public health interventions that intervene on macrolevel systems hold the promise of reducing childhood obesity at the population level through prevention. The purpose of this review is to highlight some of the recent and best scientific evidence related to public health interventions…