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Prenatal to Preschool: The Pandemic’s Impact on Mothers and Children, Focusing on Syndemic Effects on Black Families (P2P)

Statement of Problem

The COVID-19 global pandemic has significantly impacted the health and well-being of adults and children alike. In the U.S., the pandemic has highlighted the fractures in many systems including education, the economy, housing, and health care, widening known racial disparities. The fractures in these systems can be acutely felt by young families, which can have long-lasting health effects considering how important the period just after birth is to the neurodevelopment of a child. Research suggests that when mothers experience distress, it can have lasting, negative impacts on parent-child interactions, infant/child development, and the mental health of both women and children. These findings become even more important when contextualizing the disparate exposure of Black children and their families to structural racism (an underlying endemic condition) and the COVID-19 pandemic, which taken together have been defined as a syndemic.


Prenatal to Preschool: The Pandemic’s Impact on Mothers and Children, Focusing on Syndemic Effects on Black Families (P2P)


Our overarching goal is to deeply characterize the experiences of women and children impacted by the syndemic, filling research gaps that would help us identify specific maternal and environmental factors and mechanisms that critically influence early child development and mental health.

Next Steps

Identifying women disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and endemic conditions during the peripartum period provides an opportunity to understand the developing child’s environment, mother’s mental health and parenting experiences. Our long-term goal is to improve infant and young child neurodevelopmental and mental health outcomes by ensuring appropriate, precise and culturally informed interventions. 

This project page was last updated in April 2023.

Suggested Citation

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PolicyLab. Pregnancy to Preschool: The Pandemic’s Impact on Mothers and Children, Focusing on Syndemic Effects on Black Families (P2P) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: plug in date accessed here]. 

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